Random Post

Feb 17, 2025

Infernal War Machine Tokens Remastered: Devil's Ride

It's hard to believe it's been almost 5 years since I was playing Descent Into Avernus with a D&D group I'm not even in contact with anymore. I created these Infernal War Machine tokens as a way to make the machines easier to identify, fitted to a grid so that the player characters can man the helm and various weapons the machine has.

Dec 13, 2024

Nov 25, 2024

Bastion: Acolyte Church

You are awarded a Bastion when you reach 5th level. During downtime, you can invest gold into your Bastion to upgrade it with new facilities and services. At the end of a downtime, you can choose a number of available services equal to your proficiency bonus and gain their effects until the end of your next adventure. You can gain multiple uses of the same service unless otherwise stated. See the original post here.

Acolyte Bastion: Church

The church is a place of worship, divine revelation, and spiritual protection where the faithful gather and miracles are performed. As an acolyte, you can use your Church to bless yourself and your allies with power from the Upper Planes.

Nov 23, 2024

My Thoughts on Dungeons & Dragons 5.5e: The Player's Handbook

Despite what the almighty Wizards of the Coast proclaim, and even though it's kind of backwards-compatible with 5e, the 2024 update to D&D is a new edition. Its changes are significant enough, and the phrase "the 2024 version" is clunky enough, that I'm just going to refer to it as 5.5e. Or "five-five."

Anyway, I got the 5.5e Player's Handbook for my half-birthday this year, and for the most part I'm very impressed. I'll save any further elaboration for the specific points below.

Nov 22, 2024

D&D Mechanics Inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete is and will be one of my top 5 favorite PC games of all time. It's epic. It's timeless. Its music never gets old. It's like the best board game ever invented and put into computer game form. It has an awesome map editor.

I've been on a Heroes kick this past month, and as usual, D&D has been on my mind and has been looking for inspiration. Heroes of Might and Magic III has some great mechanics that could be inspiring for D&D ideas.

Sep 19, 2024

Lords of Magic Fansite

In 1997, Sierra released a PC game called Lords of Magic. It was really hard, had some awkward bugs, and in general was forgotten among most of the PC gaming community, but it was an amazing game! The setting was classic fantasy, divided into eight faiths: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Chaos, Order, Life, and Death. Each had a different primary race makeup and personality, and each was organized into champions (warriors, mages, and thieves), cavalry, infantry, ranged, scout, three levels of mythical creatures, and a legendary creature. I always loved the unique interactions between the barracks, the thieves guild, the mage tower, the capital, and the Great Temple of each race. Each race also had its own set of spells and artifacts, all of which fit their respective faith perfectly.

In the 2000s, several fansites were made for Lords of Magic, but the sites have since gone the way of all Geocities sites and are hard to access now. So I made my own!


Aug 23, 2024

Dubbing Differences: The Three Caballeros


Okay, this one here? This is a big one. The Three Caballeros was released by Disney in 1945 as a goodwill message for Latin America. Uniquely, as part of Disney's goal to make this movie specifically for Spanish, Portuguese, and English speakers, the three main characters—Donald Duck, José Carioca, and Panchito Pistoles—have the same voice actors in all three versions! It was a bit difficult to understand Donald's Portuguese in a few places, but for the most part, Clarence Nash did an admirable job throughout. And it was fun to watch the film through a Brazilian's eyes and see the ways that the three languages presented in the film overlap like a Venn diagram at times, just like they do in the English version. Here are the differences I found: