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Jun 29, 2024

Bastion: Soldier Barracks

You are awarded a Bastion when you reach 5th level. During downtime, you can invest gold into your Bastion to upgrade it with new facilities and services. At the end of a downtime, you can choose a number of available services equal to your proficiency bonus and gain their effects until the end of your next adventure. You can gain multiple uses of the same service unless otherwise stated. See the original post here.

Soldier Bastion: Barracks

The barracks is a Bastion of martial training, as well as a place of blade and armor honing and strategic discussion. As a soldier, you can use your Barracks to help augment your fighting abilities in coming battles. 

Training Grounds (Tier 1). When you invest 500 gp in the barracks, it gains a room or field with training dummies, archery targets, and a weapons master who can act as a sparring partner. The training grounds offers the following services, which last until your next downtime:
  • Fighting Style PracticeChoose a new Fighting Style from the list of Fighting Style feats. When you finish a short or long rest, you can choose to add that Fighting Style's benefits to your existing ones for the rest of that day until you finish a long rest. You can do this one day at Tier 1, two days at Tier 2, and three days at Tier 3.
  • RetrainingIf you have a Fighting Style as part of your class, you can change one of them to a different one.
  • Mastery TrainingYou gain a new Weapon Mastery option of your choice. You can use the effects of the Weapon Mastery five times. You can gain an additional Weapon Mastery option at Tier 2 and two additional Weapon Mastery options at Tier 3, each with five uses.

Smithy. When you invest 1,500 gp in the barracks, it gains a smithy, a forge, and a skilled blacksmith hireling adept at augmenting weapons and armor. The smithy offers the following services, which last until your next downtime:

  • Sharpen WeaponChoose one of your weapons. When a creature proficient with the weapon hits with an attack, it can choose to turn the hit into a critical hit. The weapon can do this once at Tier 1, twice at Tier 2, and three times at Tier 3.
  • Fortify ArmorChoose a suit of armor. When a creature wearing the armor is hit by a critical hit, it can choose to turn the critical hit into a normal hit. The armor can do this once at Tier 1, twice at Tier 2, and three times at Tier 3.
  • Fortify ShieldChoose a shield. When a creature wielding the shield is forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, it can add the shield's bonus to the roll.
Armory. When you invest 7,500 gp in the barracks, it gains a building dedicated to storing weapons and armor, as well as a quartermaster to keep the equipment in good condition. The armory offers the following services:
  • Imbue WeaponChoose a weapon. It gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls until your next downtime. This bonus increases to +2 when the barracks reaches Tier 3.
  • Lighten ArmorChoose a suit of armor. Until your next downtime, a creature who wears it is considered proficient while wearing it, and it takes 5 minutes less to don or doff it (minimum 1 minute).
  • Imbue ArmorChoose a suit of armor. It gains a +1 bonus to AC until your next downtime.

Heraldic Design (Tier 2). When you invest 15,000 gp into the barracks, you gain the services of a herald who designs you a unique coat of arms, colors, and a motto to be displayed on your shields, tabards, or armor as you choose. When you complete this investment, you gain the following permanent benefits:

  • Knighthood. Your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 21.
  • Heraldic Creed. As a bonus action, you can invoke your heraldic motto as an inspiration to yourself and others. You and up to 10 other creatures of your choice that can hear you gain 10 temporary hit points. You regain the ability to do this after you take a short or long rest.
  • Nobility. Your lifestyle increases by one step at no additional cost.

Tavern. When you invest 25,000 gp into the barracks, it gains a spacious tavern complete with a taproom, kitchen, ale cellar, and stable. Two tavern keepers and a crew of servants are also hired to manage it for you. At the end of each adventure, they give you 3d6 x 100 gp they earned in profits. The tavern also offers the following services:

  • Liquid CourageYou gain advantage on the next 3 saving throws you make against being frightened, poisoned, or charmed during your next adventure. This increases to an unlimited number of saving throws at Tier 3.
  • CarouseYou can spend 100 gp to gain a favor from an NPC. The NPC will complete the favor either during your next adventure or at the start of your next downtime, depending on the favor asked.
  • Gathering RumorsYou gain information that allows you to succeed on 2 Intelligence checks of your choice during the next adventure. This increases to 3 checks at Tier 3.

Garrison. When you invest 60,000 gp into the barracks, it gains a tower with housing, a mess hall, equipment, and supplies for 10 soldiers (guards) and 2 commanders (veterans) under your command. This garrison of soldiers protects your Bastion from harm, but if any die, new ones can be recruited for 200 gp each. The garrison offers the following services:

  • Recruit SoldierYou gain the services of a commander during your next adventure. They act as a Warrior sidekick of your level under your command and have a Friendly disposition to you as long as you treat them fairly. The commander is equipped with splint mail (AC 17), a longsword, and a heavy crossbow.
  • Issue QuestYou send 10 of your soldiers and one commander out on a quest. They will return to the barracks at the start of your next downtime having gained 3d10 x 100 gp worth of coins, gems, art objects, mundane items, or magic items (your choice when you issue the quest). You may also request something specific that they find, up to the DM's discretion. 1d10-1 of the soldiers perish in the quest.

Knightly Order (Tier 3). When you invest 100,000 gp into the barracks, you establish a knightly order among your hired soldiers and staff of your choice. The order can have whatever name you choose, uses the colors of your heraldric design, and becomes known throughout the land. When you complete this investment, you gain the following permanent benefits:

  • Lordship. Your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma score increases by 2, to a maximum of 23.
  • Heroic Feat. You gain a feat of your choice. When you use the Recruit service from your Garrison, the sidekick gains this feat also.
  • Aristocracy. Your lifestyle increases by one step at no additional cost.

Arena. When you invest 250,000 gp into the barracks, it gains a spacious arena with seating for 5,000 spectators, a ready room, and holding pens for gladiatorial animals. It also gains the services of a battlemaster or battlematron and a staff of servants, coordinators, trainers, and animal handlers. The arena increases your income from your Tavern to 3d6 x 1,000 gp at the end of each adventure, and it offers the following services:

  • Tournament (costs 3 services)Make a Performance check using your Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. You gain gold equal to the result x 200.
  • Spread FameYou gain advantage on Charisma checks during your next adventure, and your lifestyle expenses are reduced by half. 
  • Gladiator ContractYou gain the services of a gladiator during your next adventure. As an action, you can cause a gladiator (champion) to appear at an unoccupied spot within 60 feet of you. The gladiator will fight with you loyally until you complete a short or long rest or dismiss them, after which they will leave. As long as the gladiator stays alive, you can summon the gladiator in this way 3 times during your adventure.

War Room. When you invest 500,000 gp into the barracks, your Garrison increases in size to house 20 soldiers (knights) and 4 commanders (champions). The barracks also gains a war room, maps of surrounding areas, a command table, and military intelligence books, as well as the services of a seasoned war general (warlord) and 5 councilors (nobles). The war room offers the following services:

  • Honor GuardYou hire the services of 10 knights or 10 archers to act as an honor guard for your next adventure. These soldiers will travel with you overland and protect you with their lives, but will remain outside of dungeons.
  • War Machine ConstructionYou gain a war machine of your choice to use during the next adventure, choosing from the following: ballista, mangonel, ram, trebuchet.
  • Tactical PreparationFor the duration of your next adventure, you gain 1 use of Legendary Resistance, and you can choose for one of your long rests to only take 1 hour to complete.

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