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Mar 12, 2019

Warcraft 3 Easter Eggs: Spells and Icons, Part 2:

Due to the volume of videos I've made on my channel, I've decided to make this my last video I share on this blog. If you want to see the rest, follow my channel. This is a good one to end on, too, since it basically closes up the entire series I've worked on up to this point, and it's my longest video to date.

I CAN NOT believe how big the channel has gotten. As of this writing, I have almost 10,000 subscribers, 10 members or patrons, 91 videos, and I've made about $500 off of ad revenue! I can't believe this! It's incredible that I happened to stumble on these secrets almost exactly three years ago, and turn them into an amazing way for me to share my love of Warcraft to the internet. I met a Blizzard developer, I get most of my viewers from Recommended videos on YouTube, and now I'm going to get into streaming! It's a dream come true. My only hope now is that someday I'll run into someone in real life who says "Hey! You're Abelhawk!"

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