Random Post

May 31, 2014

Minecraft Corridor Tour

My brothers and I were able to fit in a game of Corridor during our Memorial Day break, and after we had rendered the dungeon I wanted to see what it would look like from a first-person perspective. I constructed the dungeon in Minecraft with embellishments to see what it would have looked like, and even though the Master's Lair turned out to be stupid and the Treasury a bit cramped, I was still pretty impressed.

One thing I forgot until now was the matter of perspective of the dungeon. On this version (and in the storyline of the board game) the adventurer chooses to descend into the dungeon, fighting each level's Master and descending deeper until he beats the final boss at the bottom. In the older versions, however, the hero was thrown into the deepest level of the dungeon, and had to climb his way out, level by level, until he fought the final boss who had defeated him in the first place.

May 21, 2014

WarCraft III Map-movie #6: Morrowind

This next WarCraft Cinem was one of my favorites, but looking at it now I'm a bit disappointed at how it turned out. I could never get the stupid camera to work correctly, and the decor left something to be desired. I do like the comedic choices I put though, and I think I captured the overall feel of that memorable beginning to the game. 

May 17, 2014

Golden Corridor Card: Healing

I got this idea from golden cards on Hearthstone. Obviously the final product will be hand-drawn, but it was fun to embellish a live-action picture of myself. And myself.

Easter Egg: The text revolving around the Healing Circle is a latin translation of the Hippocratic Oath, flipped horizontally.

May 15, 2014

Recipe #5: Pizza Omelet

When cooking, I really like to mix up genres. I think it would be so fun to make a list of different burgers to make, for example, and see how many different twists I could put on them—nacho burger, Chinese burger, Italian burger, etc. This idea came when I wanted to put a twist on the common breakfast omelet. I was partially inspired by a pizza-flavored pastel I had in Brazil that was really good.

Pizza Omelet

May 12, 2014


Today marks three weeks that my son, Carver, died. I had never had someone that close to me die before. I've lost both of my paternal grandparents, but I was a naïve teenager when my grandma passed away, and my grandpa had basically been gone due to Alzheimer's for years. A couple of classmates also died in high school, but I didn't know them that well. But this... not only was I present during his first and last minutes of his life, but he was my offspring—my very flesh and blood. I learned a lot from this ordeal. I would never wish the emotions of loss and sadness I experienced on April 21, 2014 on anyone, but since I was chosen to experience it, I figured you may as well benefit from hearing Carver's story, and the things I learned about life, family, and God.