It's sad to see how many times I tried and failed at writing something. The more of these I read, the more I want to make this year the year I use all my D&D training as well as my knowledge of creative writing from college to write SOMEthing that has a beginning, middle, and end that I made all on my own. Anyway... This "attempt at an epic novel" was basically me rewriting my own life to be set in a fantasy universe. The worldbuilding was clearly meant to parallel my actual life, and while I get the idea of Ando being a linguist being a possibly interesting plot element, I had no idea where I was going with the conflict. I just wanted spring to come and to get started writing anything. They say write what you know, but in my case, that turned out to be really boring.
Dec 29, 2021
Dec 28, 2021
Snippet: Sonho Cinzenta
Here's another snippet that's surprisingly not on this blog yet. Another attempt during the Great Writer's Block of the early 2010s, this time trying to invent a story of some kind out of Brazilian lore. I knew next to nothing about Brazilian mythology or some way to put a spin on a Brazilian setting (I assume, like all of my writing, this was going to be a fantasy story), so it fizzled pretty quickly. But the writing, as usual, is fun to read, and I especially like the first couple of paragraphs.
Dec 27, 2021
Snippet: "Beasts and Beauty"
I'm glad I found this. I remember writing it in 2014 when I was in the height of my writer's block, desperate to find something to stick to writing about. So I decided to flip fairy tales on their heads and see how far I could go with that. As you can see with the shortness of the following snippet, I didn't get very far (blast my undiagnosed mild apathetic depression at the time!) but it's an inspiring snippet, and as with other snippets I've posted here on the blog, I wish I could learn more about this intriguing story.
Dec 26, 2021
Poem: Looking Out a Window
Merry Christmas, everyone. I've never liked free verse poetry much because I just utterly love rhymes, but this free verse poem I made in college in 2011 that I just stumbled upon evoked a very vivid picture that I distinctly remembered when I wrote it. That's poetry for sure. Man, I really need to write more. I miss it.
Dec 11, 2021
Sometimes when I doodle something, a specific drawing just stands out for some reason. Maybe it's got a sort of perfect symmetry to it, or a beauty in a collection of its curved lines, or a humanoid figure looks particularly realistic in its form, or maybe it's just a well-detailed ink drawing with no mistakes in it. When that happens, I cut out the drawing and put it in an envelope called the "Envelope of Fame."
After many years, I accumulated quite a few of these precious drawings, and I realized how much I wanted to showcase them. At first I organized them into compilation PSDs, but just looking at a big mass wasn't a good way to appreciate the individual doodles. So I made this video. It was hard to come up with what music to play while the doodles were scrolling, but in the end I decided on the soundtrack from Goofy's Extremely Goofy Skateboarding (2001), which reminds me of the most carefree years of my life; and "Knight Gold" from Heroes of Might and Magic II Gold (1998), which I would like performed at my funeral, if at all possible.
I proudly present this compilation as a deep look into my artistic heart over the past 15 or so years. Enjoy.