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Jul 19, 2014

WCAnimate video

Yesterday was my last day working at the BYU campus Writing Center, and in one week my coworker Ashlyn and I were able to make this video. It was a fun and simple style for a video, so it was really easy to make for the most part. I did learn a lot, though. For example, before filming, figure out a way to turn off the auto-focus on the camera lens, or the constant brightness adjustments will make the drawing look like a timelapse of clouds. And if you want to animate something, don't actually draw it, just pretend to draw it. That way you have a moveable image to work with without anything beneath it interfering. Either way, I'm glad I could end my employment there with a fun project like this.

Jul 10, 2014

Summer Update '14

Hey there! I don't always like to give out news because it gets dated easily, but I just thought I'd give you an update because this is a particularly busy time with projects now that I'm back from Independence Day break.